JumpSport Games 2023
Fitness Tests

Join the Jumpsport Games

This is your chance to gauge your fitness level. Test your strength, endurance, coordination, and agility at the Jumpsport Games."

How to train?

Have you already registered? Here are some tips to enhance your workouts and arrive super prepared to compete."

Side to Side

Equipment: 3 trampolines and a 10 lbs slam ball.

Starting Position: Stand in front of the trampolines holding a 10 lbs slam ball in your hands.

Action: Move forward using the following pattern: Step up with your right foot, then your left foot to the center of the trampolines. Step down with your right foot and return to the starting position with your left foot. Repeat the pattern by stepping up with your right foot again, and so on. Advance to the next trampoline, repeating the same pattern. (You should pass twice over the same trampoline before moving on). Once you reach the end, perform a squat and slam the ball on the floor.

  • If you don't pass over the same trampoline twice before moving on, you must go back and start over.

Repetition: One repetition is completed when the ball touches the floor after going over all three trampolines.

Repetitions to complete: 10

Olympic Squat

Equipment: Trampoline and a 30 lbs sandbag

Starting Position: Stand with the sandbag on your shoulders, standing 1 foot away from the trampoline.

Action: Perform a deep squat, lowering yourself until your glutes touch the frame of the trampoline, then return to a full hip extension.

Repetition: Count each time your glutes touch the trampoline frame. (NOTE: Ensure the competitor reaches full hip extension after each repetition.)

Repetitions to complete: 30


Equipment: 1 trampoline

Starting Position: Stand with feet together on the floor

Action: On the floor:

  1. Perform 4 mini jumps with feet together.

  2. Do 3 skips.

  3. Execute 2 jumps with feet together.

  4. Perform 1 skip.

  5. Do 1 jump with feet together.

  6. Do 1 skip and then jump onto the trampoline, landing with feet together.

On the trampoline:

  1. Open your feet to perform an "opened basic bounce" for the letter Y and the letter M.

  2. Close your feet to return to a "closed basic bounce" and perform the letters C and A.

  3. Perform the YMCA dance sequence at the four corners of the trampoline.

Repetition: Complete the sequence once, once you achieve it you can jump to the next test.

Repetitions to complete: 1

Touch down

Material: 1 trampoline

Starting Position: Stand on the trampoline.


  1. Jump, lifting both feet off the trampoline, and land in a squat position while touching the trampoline's frame on each side.

  2. Step one foot off the trampoline and touch the frame with one hand. Then, repeat to the other side, touching the frame with the other hand.

Repetition: Count each time you jump back onto the trampoline after touching both sides of the frame.

Number of Repetitions: 20


Equipment: Trampoline

Starting Position: High plank position with palms on the trampoline mat.

Action: Push off with your arms and lower down to a forearm plank on the trampoline (mid-plank with closed fists). Push off again and return to the high plank position.

*Make sure to jump using both arms simultaneously, not one at a time.

Repetition: Each time your forearms touch the trampoline is equal to 1 rep.

Number of Repetitions: 30


Starting Position: Stand on the trampoline.

Action: Jump and lift both feet off the trampoline, performing a clap above your head. Then, jump off the trampoline with both feet together and execute a push-up with your hands on the trampoline's frame, keeping your elbows out to the sides, until your chest touches the trampoline mat. Finally, jump back onto the trampoline with both feet.

Repetition: Count each time you jump back to the trampoline.

Repetitions to complete: 30

Rolling Sandbag

Material: 1 trampolín y un sandbag de 20 lbs

Colocación de Inicio: De pie sosteniendo sandbag extendido a espaldas del trampolín, agarre de sandbag palmas hacía enfrente.

Acción: Rueda el sandbag hacia tu pecho, baja pasadando por sentadilla hasta acostarte sobre el trampolín y regresa a ponerte de pie y desenrolla el sandbag.

Repeticion: Cada que se pone de pie y desenrolla sandbag por completo. OJO: no contar la colocación de inicio

Repeticiones: 20